Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Arriving In Uganda--First Impressions

Smooth, uneventful landing in Uganda tonight after 8p.m. local time. The airport at Entebbe reminds me of a small regional airport in the states. Few stores, no thrills, but a clean and fairly modern terminal. Immediately though, one indicator we were in a developing country appeared: we were greeted by entry agents wearing medical masks and World Health Organization posters warning not of malaria or swine flu, but influenza. The flu can be a serious concern in the US, but is typically just a drain on productivity... in Uganda it seems to be a much more worrisome concern.

After an hour of filling out forms and waiting in line we quickly got our bags and loaded up two motel vans. Heading down the road, again I felt as if I was riding somewhere that crossed between Israel and a developing area in the states. Overall Entebbe looks like a poor area in the US, but with retail, pavement and overall signs of modernity. Of course, though, signs of otherwise were evident. Many more people were walking along side the main road after 10 p.m. at night than I had ever seen before in the US.

Eventually the road degraded to the sterotype of Africa and was quite bumpy the last few mintues to the hotel. I am quickly finishing up here, need to go take my first shower (and possibly last that doesn't come from a bucket) in Uganda. I'll try to update soon, but it might be a while seeing we're heading to our village in the morning.

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