This is from the official email from the AJWS for Volunteer Summer (VS) Uganda:
Dear family and friends of VS Uganda,
I am very happy to tell you that the AJWS Volunteer Summer Uganda group has landed in Entebbe , and everyone has made their way to a hotel close to the airport. First thing in the morning, the group will make the drive to Ramogi Village , in south-east Uganda , which will take roughly 5-6 hours.
I am also excited to share the first of many updates, written by the group. The Uganda volunteers wrote this particular update yesterday, just prior to their departure.
Beginning next week and for the duration of the trip, you will receive a weekly update from me, prior to Shabbat.
All the best,
VS Uganda – June 23, 2009Friends and Family,
We are at the end of Orientation, and are leaving for Uganda today! Over the past few days we’ve learned the importance of drinking water, making smart choices, building community, drinking water, creating cross-cultural exchanges and drinking water. Different speakers and sessions taught us how to act during our visit to our host country. We prepared ourselves by reading articles on how we perceive culture in general and how different cultures perceive us. We have already had a taste of cross-cultural exchange through conversations with one participant from London , Philippa. We can’t avoid learning more about our own culture with participants from London , Colorado , Florida , New York , Georgia , California , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Washington and Texas .
While we have only spent two days together, we already feel ourselves becoming a close-knit community. We have discussed our community expectations in sessions and have found ourselves becoming friends outside of the programming. We explored a bit of New York City , visiting Time’s Square, eating frozen yogurt and even ordering-in sushi. We will only get to know each other better during our 16 hour plane ride.
The first evening of Orientation, Ruth Messinger, the president of AJWS, whose poise and insight inspired us all, spoke to us about the importance of social justice and activism. She moved us through her story of how President Obama recognized AJWS as a leader in the movement to end the genocide in Darfur .
As we prepare to leave with our newly bonded community, we are excited, anxious, and ready to finally get to Uganda w here we will meet the people of Ramogi Village and begin our work with UORDP (Uganda Orphans Rural Development Programme). Each week, several participants will write updates to tell you more about our experiences on the ground. We are about to embark on new adventure and we thank you for your support.
VS Uganda